Bordering the Kentucky River in Estill County is Beckley Herefords, a registered Hereford operation spanning over 300 acres. After crossing the train tracks that run along the property, you’ll be met by L.W., Emily, Will and their show heifers.
L.W. and Emily operate Beckley Herefords, while managing their own vet clinics! They actually met because of veterinary medicine. Emily was a pharmaceutical sales rep when she was introduced to L.W. and the rest is history. L.W. owns Mountain View Vet Clinic where he focuses on large and small animals. Operating a vet clinic while managing a seedstock operation can be a handful, therefore L.W. has expressed his thankfulness to Emily and their son Will for all of the help.
Beckley Herefords has around 100 head of cattle, with a concentration on bulls and replacement heifers. L.W. often takes bulls to the stockyards and KY Beef Expo to sell to other producers. Because of his market for bulls, he prefers to calve in the spring versus the fall. This past spring he’s had around 55 calves and is waiting for 10 more. L.W.’s son has also expressed an interest in cattle. Will has a few show animals in the barn that will be shown throughout the summer. He has shown at State Fair, Beef Expo, and local jackpot shows, with plans to go to showmanship camp in Oklahoma this summer.
The Beckley Family is thankful for Kentucky Cattlemen’s Ground beef. L.W. says “It’s nice to have another outlet to sell your beef.” The Beckley Family began selling cattle into the Beef Solutions program in the summer of 2018 and continues to participate in 2023. He is excited to watch the program grow and wants to encourage other producers to utilize it. He explains the program is a great way to add more income within your operation.
Beckley Herefords has around 100 head of cattle, with a concentration on bulls and replacement heifers. L.W. often takes bulls to the stockyards and KY Beef Expo to sell to other producers. Because of his market for bulls, he prefers to calve in the spring versus the fall. This past spring he’s had around 55 calves and is waiting for 10 more. L.W.’s son has also expressed an interest in cattle. Will has a few show animals in the barn that will be shown throughout the summer. He has shown at State Fair, Beef Expo, and local jackpot shows, with plans to go to showmanship camp in Oklahoma this summer.
The Beckley Family is thankful for Kentucky Cattlemen’s Ground beef. L.W. says “It’s nice to have another outlet to sell your beef.” The Beckley Family began selling cattle into the Beef Solutions program in the summer of 2018 and continues to participate in 2023. He is excited to watch the program grow and wants to encourage other producers to utilize it. He explains the program is a great way to add more income within your operation.